Hi, my name is Wiktor. I'm 20 years old. I live in Poland, Poznań.
I'm making videos [Epic / Docummentary / Chill / Comps]
for professional players.
Editing in my passion. It's my work for the future.
Sometimes, in my free time I'm playing on PS3 and PS4
add me [PSN: sieradzki22, MNXHD]
My adventure with video editing I started at the age of 10/11 years. I was learning myself. At first they were simple videos related to rollerskating, waveboarding etc. I gained a lot of experience with these videos. Then at the age of 12 years, I've done short videos with my friends. It was fun, but it came out pretty good xD I like to mention now such videos.
I was creating also tutorials (system, programs, "how to do? ..." Etc.) I had 2 channels (one of them was removed - VikiStudio, but one is available until today - VictorStudioGames)
At age 14, I was creating videos to them FIFA (Victor98HD). I gained a lot of experience in the edits of the football. There I met many friends with whom I keep in touch to this day. 15 years and finally MNXHD channel - which is active to this day. I never expected after so many years that I have such a channel. Each subscriber, each view is the motivation for the next video. In addition, players asks me about videos. (L. Piazón, J. Rodriguez, G. Deulofeu, A. Morata .. etc.)
It's indescribable! I just love to make videos.

"Bro honestly you have incredible talent, I have said before that I think you're the best editor when it comes to professional edits, your videos deserve to be shown on TV.!"
“It's fantastic, I reviewed this video 3 times !
Has done a very hard work, it deserves respect! :) Amazing edit, excellent quality !
Your video will be shown on SkySports !”
Renat Gatiatulin
"I think it's safe to say that this IS the best football compilation channel"
Eduardo Gutierrez
"A masterpiece Wiktor. Everything is reported with extreme clarity in this video, that's why you to me is one of the best editors of football on Youtube, if not the best ! Finally, it is a great video, spectacular, I am without words, seriously !"
"What can I say about this amazing piece of work? I don't know how you do not have 1million subscribers but you deserve. I've been watch your videos and they are all amazing (there is no words to describe your videos). The quality and effort that you made in each video is just fabulous. Keep that up!"
ProGelson PT
"Amazing! Profession. Better than Sky Sports workers etc (:"

I'm so excited and proud of it! that Universal Studios Entertainment have used 2 of the scenes from my video for trailer created for Cristiano Ronaldo (documentary).
" The British director, whose film Amy premiered to universal praise at this year’s Cannes Film Festival, is on board to executive-produce the documentary, simply titled Ronaldo, alongside his regular producer James Gay-Rees, who also worked on the 2010 Banksy movie Exit Through the Gift Shop." He tweeted to his fans: “I’m happy to confirm that there’s a film being produced about me.”

So, now you can see below this message my scenes for this video.
![]() First scene of this trailer.Ronaldo 2015 Video. |
![]() Second scene of this trailer.Ronaldo 2015 Video. |